SEPTEMBER 16, 2012, Noon to 7pm
“Celebrate Saratoga” is Saratoga Village’s Annual Block Party on September 16 organized by "Saratoga Chamber of Commerce". We expect 5,000 to 10,000 to arrive into Saratoga Village that day. See flyer below.
The best wine in the area, gourmet food, three stages of live entertainment or 20 plus bands and dancers, a grape stomp challenge and competition, family activities and more are just a few of the activities planned.It is going to be one exciting event, not to be missed.
And a designated area for kids and teens too! Details @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/SaratogaChamber
The best wine in the area, gourmet food, three stages of live entertainment or 20 plus bands and dancers, a grape stomp challenge and competition, family activities and more are just a few of the activities planned.It is going to be one exciting event, not to be missed.
And a designated area for kids and teens too! Details @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/SaratogaChamber
And we would love to have you perform @ “Celebrate Saratoga” – Saratoga’s annual block party.
"Saratoga’s Got Talent” (http://www.saratogatalent.com) team is working on the entertainment segment to support this incredible community event. There are various stage areas set at this event for entertainment.
Send an email to rishi1<at>gmail.com ASAP with the following info
- Age (for minors)
- YouTube video link of your performance
- Slots between Noon and 7pm you are available
Once we have your response back, you should receive another email with detailed logistics for Sunday.
"Saratoga’s Got Talent” (http://www.saratogatalent.com) team is working on the entertainment segment to support this incredible community event. There are various stage areas set at this event for entertainment.
Send an email to rishi1<at>gmail.com ASAP with the following info
- Age (for minors)
- YouTube video link of your performance
- Slots between Noon and 7pm you are available
Once we have your response back, you should receive another email with detailed logistics for Sunday.
What can I perform?
At "Saratoga's Got Talent", we are open to all kinds of performances – just like our talent show.
We have bands scheduled to perform, singing, dancing, magic show - you name it, we got it.
Pick something that works well for you and will work for the screaming audience.
We have bands scheduled to perform, singing, dancing, magic show - you name it, we got it.
Pick something that works well for you and will work for the screaming audience.
VERY IMPORTANT : Please plan to stay within your allocated time! We are in a time bind, with lots of incredible performers (and many more in the wait list). If you have 15 minutes, please plan to wrap by the 12th or 13th meeting – as we have to account for your introductions etc. If you have 30 minutes, please plan for 23 to 25 minutes only.
Do time yourself!
Do not be surprised if we have to cut short your performance. We will try to avoid this as best as we can, but it may be necessary to keep moving things along. Three songs, may become 2 songs, and 2 songs may end up becoming one. We really want everyone in the lineup to perform, and since we have a hard stop @ 7pm (cleaning crew will take over, power turned off @ 7pm) – we will be doing our absolute best to stick to schedule. Your appearance to perform on Sunday is contingent upon agreement of above.
Do time yourself!
Do not be surprised if we have to cut short your performance. We will try to avoid this as best as we can, but it may be necessary to keep moving things along. Three songs, may become 2 songs, and 2 songs may end up becoming one. We really want everyone in the lineup to perform, and since we have a hard stop @ 7pm (cleaning crew will take over, power turned off @ 7pm) – we will be doing our absolute best to stick to schedule. Your appearance to perform on Sunday is contingent upon agreement of above.
How do I pick a song / make my song selection?
If you are singing, pick fast upbeat numbers - that would get the audience dancing and add to the festivity of this incredible event.
Where is the stage?
The stage is a 12x12 stage, located at the BUY AND SAVE PARKING LOT
14440 Big Basin Way, Saratoga CA 95070
14440 Big Basin Way, Saratoga CA 95070
Dropping off equipment (for bands)
Big basin will be closed @ 11AM.
Prior to 11AM you can get to the actual location and drop your stuff off.
Then park at the back lots closer to oak street to get in and out privelages
If you park at the lots towards the creeks - you are done for the day.
You can only get out after 7pm
Bands can get a parking pass from me.
Prior to 11AM you can get to the actual location and drop your stuff off.
Then park at the back lots closer to oak street to get in and out privelages
If you park at the lots towards the creeks - you are done for the day.
You can only get out after 7pm
Bands can get a parking pass from me.
We have a professional sound system, one mic on stage and a guitar cable.
You will be able to attach your ipod/iphone/ipad/smart phone to stream your music that needs to accompany your performance.
We will NOT have the ability to play a CD.
You will be able to attach your ipod/iphone/ipad/smart phone to stream your music that needs to accompany your performance.
We will NOT have the ability to play a CD.
When will i perform?
Slots will be sent out by Thursday September 13, 2012
Slots could be 5 minutes or 15 minutes, very few half hour slots (for bands only)
Slots could be 5 minutes or 15 minutes, very few half hour slots (for bands only)
What do I need to bring?
Bring any music that will accompany your performance on a smart phone / iphone / ipad
Is there a dress code?
Dress to suit your performance. It is going to be a nice warm California day, and cooler evening; dress accordingly.
What do I need to do to ensure that i have a spot in the performance lineup?
Please send an email to rishi1<at> gmail.com with the following:
- Confirming your presence. Make sure to include names of all the members of your team
- Confirm that you are planning to bring your music track (if needed) on a smart phone etc.
And include the following in your email:
- A short bio about yourself (3 line introduction)
- Include a list of songs you are performing. Do try to pick upbeat and fun performances in keeping with the fun spirit of "Celebrate Saratoga"
- Include a list of musical instruments you will bring (if any)? Any specific requirement etc.
- The time slots between Noon and 7pm you are NOT available to perform
- Confirming your presence. Make sure to include names of all the members of your team
- Confirm that you are planning to bring your music track (if needed) on a smart phone etc.
And include the following in your email:
- A short bio about yourself (3 line introduction)
- Include a list of songs you are performing. Do try to pick upbeat and fun performances in keeping with the fun spirit of "Celebrate Saratoga"
- Include a list of musical instruments you will bring (if any)? Any specific requirement etc.
- The time slots between Noon and 7pm you are NOT available to perform
Please rehearse your songs.
Ensure that you do not exceed your time slot.
Better to go under, than over
Ensure that you do not exceed your time slot.
Better to go under, than over
What time do I arrive?
Please arrive half hour before your time slot.
Check-in with our stage manager - who will be at the check-in table
Check-in with our stage manager - who will be at the check-in table
Shuttle Bus service from West Valley College Shuttle buses will run from West Valley College (14000 Fruitvale Avenue near Saratoga Avenue) from 11:30am until 7:30pm. Pick-up and drop-off area is Parking Lot 5 on the West Valley College campus. For details click on CELEBRATE SARATOGA on this page http://www.saratogachamber.org/
If you are a band with heavy equipment, I can send you a parking pass - but you have to arrive before 11AM.
If you are a band with heavy equipment, I can send you a parking pass - but you have to arrive before 11AM.
Is there going to be dancing around the stage?
Yes please, dust off your disco gear and get ready to go haywire...just a tad